Financial Benefits:

NM National Board Salary Differential

The annual salary differential approved by the New Mexico legislature.

Level 3 Licensure
National Board Certification advances teachers to a Level 3 certification in New Mexico without having to do the micro cridentials or Masters degree. 


Other Benefits:

Improves student learning and achievement
Students of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) outperform students of non-NBCTs on achievement tests and the positive effect is even greater minority students. Students of NBCTs make learning gains equivalent to an extra month in school. Students of NBCTs exhibit stronger writingabilities, better comprehension and integration of complex classroom material, better understandingof concepts, and more abstract thinking than students of non-NBCTs.

Improves Teaching
National Board Certification is a “transformative experience” for many teachers, and they often apply in the classroom what they learn from the certification process- whether they achieve certification or not. The certification process itself improves teachers’ ability to improve student learning.